28 Day Challenge – The Results
So, as you may or may not know, I decided to stupidly embark upon a 28 day challenge, because to be quite frank, I was getting fed up of being a wobbly sloth. A couple of years ago, I got myself in a similar state and became really unhappy, so went on some absolute mission and dropped 2 dress sizes. I’ve never put all of the weight back on, but over summer, I noticed the weight creeping back, especially around my thighs and stomach. This was duly noted by my lovely boyfriend who often likes to call me “Thunder Thighs”. Thanks Jon.
Hideous Before Picture
I have lots of special events coming up (motivation!) so it seemed like a better time than any to get myself back into a routine and try to shift some timber. My friend Zoe told me about a 28 day trial for £28 at her gym, so I decided to sign up and see how much I could change my shape during this trial. Admittedly, it was a bit of an eye opener on my first session as I realised how unfit I had actually become, but by the end of the first week I already felt more energetic in myself. I was more focused on the cardio to begin with so 20-30 minutes on the treadmill and 10-20 minutes on the stepper. I didn't have a "day" for one specific muscle group, I tried to do a little bit on each at every session, and I have been doing light weights but lots of reps to help tone the muscles.
Day 1 VS Week 2 Picture
Not only was I getting to the gym 3-4 times a week, I also adjusted my diet. Although, I am always sure not to cut everything out that I enjoy because I think the more you restrict yourself, the more you will indulge when it does come to a “cheat day”, as the cool kids call it. A standard day would consist of banana & apple for breakfast, spinach, avocado & chicken for lunch then salmon, broccoli and potatoes for tea. Things I refuse to cut out of my diet are crisps and wine. (Sorry, not sorry) The things I have noticed most is my thighs are more toned, in the before picture they were very wide but I feel like they look a lot tighter, and I also feel that my waist is slimmer. I also managed to reach my ultimate goal of dropping from a size 10 to a size 8! I don’t want to lose any more weight, my focus will now be on toning up.
28 day complete picture
What’s next? Well, I am hoping to keep up this lifestyle for the foreseeable future. It gets easier once you’re in a routine, I may even try to cut out crisps, but definitely not wine. I have 3 holidays next year that I plan to have some form of 6 pack for (one can always dream!) I have also added Forever Aloe Berry Drinking Gel to my diet, which is a shot in the morning and when used in the right way, can aid weight loss and give a natural energy boost which is vital when you’re working out during the week. I will do another post in a month, as I have been given a 1 month supply of the Drinking Gel by Nicola, and let you know how much it has helped me!